How It Works
What We Offer
Welcome to Ignite Family Academy!
Ignite Family Academy, North Thurston Public Schools family partnership program, is an exceptional educational option for students in kindergarten through 8th grade. Students may enroll either full- or part-time.
What does Ignite Offer?
Family partnership programs begin with the families in mind. Our program expands and changes as we evaluate the current needs and interests of our families and students.
On-Site Classes
- We offer a variety of multi-age classes for students in grades K-8, scheduled Monday through Thursday. Class offerings may include core subjects as well as enrichment classes grounded in STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, and math) and literacy with planned additional opportunities in social studies, history, and physical education. Our course offerings are interdisciplinary, engaging, and incorporate hands-on learning opportunities as much as possible.
On-Site Curriculum Resource Library
- Ignite offers a selection of core content and supplemental materials that your family can utilize for your child’s learning goals. We welcome suggestions from our families!
Online Resources
- Ignite students have access to our district's online resources, including research databases.
Teacher Advisors
- Families are partnered with a certificated teacher-advisor. Together they collaborate on Written Student Learning Plans (WSLPs) that outline course selections, learning goals, assessments, and/or resource materials.
Field Experiences
- Ignite coordinates field experiences related to NTPS curriculum and standards.
Community Building and Family Workshops
- Ignite is a place for families to build meaningful connections and is an outstanding opportunity for parents to network with each other. We offer multiple family workshops throughout the year designed to build community and support families.
Student Clubs
- Students can participate in clubs with specific focuses such as arts & crafts, Minecraft, Chess, Leadership, and more.
Take a Tour!
Fill out our interest form, and we'll contact you and schedule an informational tour!
Want to Enroll?
We are currently adding students to our waitlist when we open our new building in 2025!
Ignite is part of North Thurston Public Schools
The mission of NTPS is to prepare all students for rewarding careers, fulfilling lives, and compassionate global citizenship. Ignite Virtual Academy aligns with Washington State’s Alternative Learning Experience (ALE) requirements under WAC 392-550: Alternative Learning Experience Requirements and is governed by the same rules and laws that apply to other public schools. For more information, visit OSPI's Alternative Learning Department.
Ignite Family Academy is an Alternative Learning Experience (ALE). ALE is public education where some or all of the instruction is delivered outside of a regular classroom setting and schedule. At Ignite, we provide in-person classes and collaborate with families in their at-home learning (on-site classes are not a requirement). Learning is monitored and assessed by a certificated teacher and planned in collaboration with the student and parent (Written Student Learning Plan – WSLP).
Family Requirements
Time Commitments
As a public school program, we have two major requirements regarding time:
- We are required to develop a written student learning plan (WSLP) that includes estimated weekly hours of learning. The WSLP is a flexible document that can be adjusted to reflect your child’s learning.
- Students and families must make weekly contact with our staff and hold a monthly progress review with a teacher advisor.
- Weekly contact is a requirement by the state to ensure the family partnership program is maintaining contact with families and claiming funding for actively enrolled students.
- Monthly progress reviews are an opportunity for the families to share what they have been working on, discuss ideas with their teacher advisor and receive support, if needed. The review is a chance for us to make adjustments to the WSLP.
On-Site Commitments
A parent, adult guardian, or designee must be on-site with each elementary student (K-5) during their Ignite classes. We realize this is not always possible for families. Please contact the school if you need to have someone other than the parent or guardian be on site. We will work with families on a case-by-case basis.
Written Student Learning Plan (WSLP)
Ignite families work closely with a certificated teacher to develop a WSLP for each student. This individualized plan includes:
- Learning goals
- Curriculum
- Materials
- Methods of evaluating student performance
- Other required information
Alternative Learning Experience (ALE) law requires teachers to assess the progress of all students each calendar month and report the progress of all students consistent with the goals and performance objectives of their student learning plan. An Ignite teacher will have responsibility and accountability for each course specified in the plan, including supervision and monitoring, and evaluation and documentation of the student's progress in Parent Led Instruction. The written student learning plan may be developed with assistance from the student and parent(s).
Current Class Schedule
Ignite Family Academy offers on-site classes for students in grades K-8. Classes are:
- Held two days per week on Mondays/Wednesdays and Tuesdays/Thursdays. Field trip excursions occur on select Fridays.
- Typically 50 minutes in length.
- Multi-grade, clustering students in grades K-2, 3-5, and 6-8.
Second Semester Courses 2024-25
Monday & Wednesday |
Tuesday & Thursday |
Friday |
Primary Grades K-2 |
Elementary Grades 3-5 |
Middle Grades 6-8 |
Primary Grades K-2 |
Elementary Grades 3-5 |
Middle Grades 6-8 |
Field Excursions, Office Hours, & Student Support |
1st Period 9:30–10:20 am |
Hands On STEM and Building |
Essential Robotics |
Middle School Art |
Science: Weather, Land, and Space |
Science: Forces and Motion |
Creative Photography |
2nd Period 10:30–11:20 am |
Math and Reading Centers |
Typing and Writing |
ROV Robotics |
Social Studies Community |
Elementary Art |
Social Studies Personal to World Finance (Economics) |
Lunch 11:20 am–12:00 pm |
All Grades & All Days | ||||||
3rd Period 12:00–12:50 pm |
Science: Weather, Land, and Space |
Drama |
Science: Force and Motion |
Primary Art |
Typing and Writing |
ROV Robotics |
4th Period 1:00–1:50 pm |
Social Studies Community |
Science: Forces and Motion |
Social Studies Personal to World Finance (Economics) |
Hands On STEM and Building |
Drama |
Science: Force and Motion |
5th Period 2:00–2:50 pm |
Primary Art |
Elementary Art |
Creative Photography |
Science: Weather, Land, and Space |
Essential Robotics |
Middle School Art |
Frequently Asked Questions
- Are meals served at Ignite?
- Does the district provide transportation to/from Ignite?
- What is the difference between homeschooling and attending an ALE?
- How are students in special education served at Ignite?
- Are there student clubs?
- Is there a school counselor at Ignite?
- Can Ignite students participate in sports, clubs, or other extracurricular activities?
- What assessments are Ignite students required to take?
- Can I be in the classroom with my Ignite student?
- How many adults may accompany Ignite students into the building?
- Can I bring my non-enrolled children with me into the building?
Are meals served at Ignite?
Does the district provide transportation to/from Ignite?
What is the difference between homeschooling and attending an ALE?
Families who file a declaration of intent to provide home-based instruction (i.e. homeschooling) are in charge of their student’s learning experience.
Families who enroll in an ALE understand that the learning experiences are supervised, monitored, assessed, and evaluated by a certificated teacher.
In a family partnership program like Ignite, the school partners with the family to individualize the student’s learning plan per the needs of the student and the family.
Please reference the Ignite Family Academy Statement of Understanding on our Enrollment page.
How are students in special education served at Ignite?
Students enrolled at Ignite Family Academy with an existing IEP receive their special education services through their neighborhood school. Due to the nature of Ignite’s unique program, services may not be replicated the same as they would if the student was attending their neighborhood school full-time. Before a student is enrolled at Ignite, the IEP team, including parent/guardian, will review the IEP to ensure services can be adequately served while attending Ignite and the student’s needs met. If your student has an IEP or you think could qualify for one and you are interested in determining if Ignite can support the IEP and needs of your student, please contact us.
Are there student clubs?
Yes! Clubs are formed based on interest, but some examples of past and current clubs are:
- K-2 Arts & Crafts Club
- Minecraft Club
- Dungeons & Dragons Club (for separate age groups)
- Chess Clubs
- Roots & Shoots Club
- Battle of the Books (annual District-wide competition where students read a book collectively and answer questions about the content)
- Student Leadership Club
Is there a school counselor at Ignite?
Currently, Ignite does not have a school counselor. This may change as the program grows.
Ignite students do have access to the Mental Health Specialist assigned to our school.
Can Ignite students participate in sports, clubs, or other extracurricular activities?
What assessments are Ignite students required to take?
State law requires that all students are assessed, even those who are participating in at-home instruction with Ignite (please see RCW 28A.200.010). There are several options for assessment. We can assist with this. Students enrolled in IFA for more than 80 hours per month during any given month are required to take the state assessment (SBAC).
Can I be in the classroom with my Ignite student?
How many adults may accompany Ignite students into the building?
Can I bring my non-enrolled children with me into the building?
- Your children who are not school age (5 and under) may come with their parent/guardian. Children must be supervised at all times by the adult.
- Children who do not belong to you may not come to Ignite at this time.
- If you have older children not enrolled at Ignite (example: a high schooler), they may come to Ignite with you. However, they must complete a volunteer application.