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Kindling knowledge together!
A community partnership serving K–8 students in Lacey, Washington

Mobile Device Expectations

North Thurston Public Schools has Off and Away, All Day mobile device expectations at all of our schools. 

  • Cell phones and headphones are put away in backpacks or left home. 
  • Smartwatches are set to airplane mode or put away or left home. 

Students may use their devices before and after the regular school day. During classes, lunch, and passing periods, devices must remain off and away. The purpose is to support student focus on learning, increase attention span, reduce bullying and conflicts, and improve student mental health. 

In an emergency, parents may call the school office to reach their students. Students may also get permission to go to the office to contact a parent. All students have an assigned Chromebook for school-related technology usage. In addition, schools have family-wide communication methods in an emergency. 

Research has found that mobile devices distract students from learning, contribute to peer conflict and bullying, and enable some students to engage in dangerous, high-risk interactions online. 

  • In 2023, the U.S. Surgeon General issued a public health advisory on the growing concerns about the effects of social media on youth mental health. 
  • Supporting students in “unplugging” from social media during the school day can benefit students’ mental health. 
  • Studies show that student use of cell phones and other mobile devices, such as smartwatches, during school is distracting and is linked with lower grades and test scores. 

With our Off and Away, All Day mobile device expectations, we strive for a higher level of school engagement and learning, a reduced level of anxiety and distraction for students, and more positive face-to-face interactions with peers and staff. Please support these expectations by having a conversation with your student and reinforcing the expectations. Thank you for your partnership!