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Kindling knowledge together!
A community partnership serving K–8 students in Lacey, Washington

Homeless Support

Operating out of our Families & Youth Resource Center (FYRC), our Homeless Liaison and Navigators help ensure our students have the support  they need to succeed in school at NTPS and facilitate connecting them and their families with community resources.

The McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Act is Title X, Part C of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. This legislation ensures that students experiencing homelessness have full and equal access to appropriate public education to ensure they experience success at school. More information on the Washington State Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) website.

What qualifies as "unhoused"?

NTPS students and families who are homeless qualify for many extra supports. Your student is considered homeless if they are presently living:

  • In a motel, hotel, camping ground, or similar situation due to lack of alternative, adequate housing
  • In a shelter
  • Sharing housing with relatives or others due to lack of housing
  • At a train or bus station, park, or in a car
  • In an abandoned building
  • Not living with a parent or guardian



Homeless students have a right to:

  • Immediate school enrollment even if they lack health, immunization, or school records, proof of guardianship, or proof of residency.
  • Enroll at the school they attended when permanently housed, attend the school where they were last enrolled, or enroll at the school district where they are currently living.
  • Remain enrolled in their selected school for as long as they remain unhoused or, if they become permanently housed, until the end of the academic school year.
  • Priority in certain preschool programs.
  • Receive free meals at school.
  • Participate in tutoring and school-related activities.
  • Obtain information for free services, including clothing and medical services.
  • Transportation to and from the school of origin as long as they are unhoused, or the end of the academic year if they become permanently housed.