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Kindling knowledge together!
A community partnership serving K–8 students in Lacey, Washington

Health & Wellness

Health & Wellness Information for Ignite Families

Are your kids ready for school?

To attend school in Washington, students must show that they are fully immunized, or file an exemption with the school district. Make sure that your children are up-to-date on their immunizations.

Emergency Contact Information

Please keep your student's emergency contact information up-to-date with the front office. It is extremely important that we have a way to reach you!

Life Threatening Health Conditions & Medication at School

Ignite Family Academy staff do not dispense medication to students.

  • If your child is in grades 6-8, they may self-carry any necessary medication with approval from the school nurse.
  • If your child is grades K-5, the adult on campus with the student must keep any medications on their person and be in charge of dispensing if/when necessary.
  • If your student requires medication and is attending a school outing or state testing, at least one authorized adult must remain in attendance at the event to dispense medication to their student.

Vision and Hearing

If you have concerns about your child's vision or hearing, please contact the school nurse. 


One of the most effective things that a child can do to keep healthy and free of disease is to wash their hands! Encourage your child to wash their hands often, use warm water and soap, rub all surfaces well for 20 seconds, then rise and dry well.

Health Room Resources